Using Index Manager Print

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This guide will show about using the Index Manager. The Index Manager permits you to modify the way a directory could be seen on the internet . This guide will expect that you are logged into your cPanel. In case you are having difficulty doing that , please look at the guide named "How to Login to cPanel".

The Index Manager helps you to manage exactly how directories on your internet site are displayed . If there is not a file named "index.html" in a given directory, then the contents of that directory will be displayed in a browser. This is very unwanted , and may lead to safety issues. Using Index Manager, you are able to set your account up to not permit your directory items to be shown.

On the main cPanel page, search right down to the Advanced section. There you will click on the Index Manager icon. This can bring you to the main Index Manager page. You can find your folders listed there . You can browse through through them simply by clicking on the symbols . If you locate the directory you need to address, click on on the name.

That is going to open a different screen , exactly where you will find the path for your selected directory . There are four options below.

Default System Setting-allows the directory items to be shown
No Indexing-does not allow directory items to be displayed
Standard Indexing (text only)-prevents browsers from browsing the items of directories which do not include image files
Fancy Indexing (graphics)-helps prevent internet browsers from browsing the items of directories that have image files

Click on one radio option and click on the Save button. This is going to bring you to the verification screen, where you could see that the settings are actually modified.

Click on Go Back . You can now exit by simply clicking on HOME and returning to the main page of your cPanel. This is basically the end of this guide. You could go back and modify the options any time, for any of the directories.

You can now leave cPanel by closing your browser, or using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Never forget, if you are using a public laptop or computer, Always Logout of cPanel previous to shutting due to basic safety reasons.

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